Coloriage : choisir – commande – reduction Sara Davies the youngest Dragon – Cover Interview New Business Magazine Autumn Edition – Entrepreneurs

  • William Davies The Happiness Industry: How The Government And Big Business Sold Us Well-Being
    Binding : Gebundene Ausgabe, Label : Verso, Publisher : Verso, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Gebundene Ausgabe, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2015-05-12, releaseDate : 2015-05-12, authors : William Davies, languages : english, ISBN : 1781688451
  • What`S This India Business?: Offshoring, Outsourcing And The Global Services Revolution [Paperback] Paul Davies [Jan 01, 2006]
    Binding : Taschenbuch, medium : Taschenbuch, ISBN : 1904838014
  • William Davies The Happiness Industry: How The Government And Big Business Sold Us Well-Being
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Reprint, Label : Verso, Publisher : Verso, PackageQuantity : 5, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 320, publicationDate : 2016-06-14, releaseDate : 2016-06-14, authors : William Davies, languages : english, ISBN : 1784780952
  • Set de coloriage - Lefranc Bourgeois 301488 Spoty - Education Lettres
    <![CDATA[Set de coloriage pour enfant avec 13 pochoirs réutilisables et 26 motifs de lettres 4 couleurs]]>
  • Coloriages Mystères Disney - Grands Classiques Spécial Débutants
    Binding : paperback, Label : Coloriages mystères Disney - Grands classiques Spécial débutants, Format : illustrated, medium : paperback, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2025-01-22, languages : french, ISBN : 2017285641
  • Coloriages magiques avec les lettres : 5-7 ans Ernest Robert, Lucile Ahrweiller Retz
    Ernest Robert, Lucile Ahrweiller
  • Set de coloriage pour enfant avec crayons ergonomiques et 13 pochoirs réutilisables - Spoty Formes Lefranc Bourgeois
    <![CDATA[Le set Spoty contient 4 peintures à gouache prêtes à l'emploi dans un marqueur Spoty de 30 ml avec 13 pochoirs réutilisables avec 26 lettres et 26 formesCe set convient pour les petites mains, l'eau et les pinceaux ne sont pas nécessaires]]>
  • Coloriage Velours - Kawaii - Omy
    <![CDATA[Apprendre en s'amusant grâce aux coloriages velours tout doux !Cup cake, arc-en-ciel et chatons tout mignons...Venez découvrir l'univers Kawaii, fun et débordant de fantaisie à travers ces 6 tableaux velours à colorier!Facile et ludique, le velours permet de guider les plus petits pour colorier sans dépasser.Idéal pour développer la dextérité et la créativité.]]>
  • Coloriage magique et son feutre à eau x 5 – Collection Pâques enfants – Créalia enfants
    <![CDATA[Ce livret de coloriage magique accompagné de son feutre à eau Créalia enfants est une activité créative idéal pour les fêtes de Pâques, l’enfant verra au fur et à mesure apparaitre à la couleur ! Feutre à eau : Avec ce feutre à eau, il suffit d’ajouter de l'eau dans le feutre en dévissant son réservoir. Coloriez délicatement avec le feutre à eau pour faire apparaître les couleurs comme par magie ! Coloriage magique : Ce livret possède 5 coloriages à réaliser ! Ces illustrations sont sur le thème de Pâques et mettent en scène des lapins, des œufs, des poules et des poussins ! Donnez vie à vos illustrations en ajoutant de belles couleurs grâce à votre feutre magique ! Réutilisable : Ce livret de coloriage est réutilisable ! En effet, l’image devient visible au contact de l’eau et disparait une fois sèche. Vous pouvez donc le colorier et le colorier à l’infini ! Activité éducatif et ludique : En réalisant ce coloriage, votre enfant développera sa concentration en s’amusant ! La réalisation de ces différents coloriages stimulera sa créativité et favorisera l’apprentissage de sa coordination œil -main.]]>
  • Coloriage Velours - Dino - Omy
    <![CDATA[Coloriez sans dépasserApprendre en s'amusant grâce aux coloriages velours tout doux !Venez découvrir l'univers des dinosaures à travers ces 6 tableaux velours à colorier !Facile et ludique, le velours permet de guider les plus petits pour colorier sans dépasser.Idéal pour développer la dextérité et la créativité.]]>
  • Coloriage Velours - Cosmos - Omy
    <![CDATA[Coloriez sans dépasserApprendre en s'amusant grâce aux coloriages velours tout doux !Direction la lune pour le plus beau voyage dans l'espace. Venez découvrir l'univers Cosmos à travers ces 6 tableaux velours à colorier !Facile et ludique, le velours permet de guider les plus petits pour colorier sans dépasser.Idéal pour développer la dextérité et la créativité.]]>
  • Hape Livre de coloriage - display (12 pcs)
    <![CDATA[Pourquoi dessiner sur du simple papier cartonné, quand on peut le faire sur du velours très doux ! Révèle de magnifiques motifs en colorant simplement les dessins avec l'un des 5 mini-feutres inclus.]]>
  • Hape Carnet créatif - coloriages velours Display (8 pcs)
    <![CDATA[Pourquoi dessiner sur du simple papier cartonné, quand on peut le faire sur du velours très doux ! Révèle de magnifiques motifs en colorant simplement les dessins avec l'un des 5 mini-feutres inclus.]]>
  • Kit de coloriage Color'Peps - Maped - 150 pièces
    <![CDATA[Un kit de coloriage complet pour tous les petits artistes. Retrouvez dans ce set de coloriage ultra complet le meilleur des outils de coloriage Maped Color’Peps. Les enfants n’ont pas fini de dessiner, colorier et décorer ! 150 outils de coloriage de qualité composent le coffret de coloriage 150 pièces : des feutres de coloriage, des crayons de couleur classiques, innovants ou aquarellables, des craies de coloriage… Tout ce qu’il faut pour créer sans limite !]]>
  • Avenue Mandarine Graffy Pop Number : Manga - Coloriage aux numéros
    <![CDATA[Carnet de 24 coloriages au numéro. Chaque dessin est divisé en de multiples cases numérotées. A chaque numéro est associée une couleur. Une fois colorées, les cases dévoilent une jolie illustration. Une activité idéale pour apprendre les chiffres tout en coloriant !]]>
  • Creative Un Coloriage velours licorne
    <![CDATA[Ref. produit : 750237]]>
  • Creative Un Coloriage velours dragon
    <![CDATA[Ref. produit : 750238]]>
  • Coloriage 3D : Forêt fantastique - Djeco
    <![CDATA[Voici des coloriages avec un effet 3D de chez Djeco ! Ce coffret contient des feutres-pinceaux et des lunettes 3D pour réaliser des œuvres sur le thème de la forêt.4 tableaux à colorier 7 feutres pinceaux1 paire de lunettes 3D1 livret explicatif pas à pas en couleursDimensions du coffret : 23,5 x 23 x 4 cm]]>
  • Ozzé Coloriages érotiques pour adultes
    Je suis le livre de Coloriages érotiques pour adultes de Ozzé ( Original et divertissant, je suis un excellent cadeau à offrir à ses amis, par exemple pour un EVJF ou un EVJG ! Être adulte ne signifie pas ne plus être joueur ou joueuse...Je cache de nombreux coloriages au fil de mes pages, tous plus coquins les uns que les autres. Concentrez-vous pour colorier sans dépasser les lignes... Y arriverez-vous ? Dans tous les cas, vous passerez un bon moment !
  • Coloriage feutres magiques - Les jolies robes de Marie - Djeco
    <![CDATA[Avec ce coffret Les jolies robes de Marie, vos enfants pourront s'amuser en créant de jolis habits à personnaliser avec les feutres magiques. En effet, lorsque votre enfant aura colorié les éléments, il ne lui restera plus qu'a passer le feutre blanc sur le dessin colorié pour ainsi voir les couleurs changer et les motifs apparaitre. Âge : De 3 à 6 ans. Ce coffret contient : 1 plateau double épaisseur de 210 x 150 mm, 4 cartes épaisses à colorier de 210 x 150 mm, 8 feutres magiques, 1 livret pas à pas.]]>
  • Depesche Livre de coloriage Miss Melody - Chevaux
    <![CDATA[Des dessins qui ressemblent à un imprimé :  avec le livre de calques de Miss Melody, les belles images de chevaux deviennent un jeu d'enfant. Tracez simplement l'un des 24 motifs colorés sur la feuille transparente ci-dessus. Avec carton épais comme base stable.]]>
  • Sycomore Artissimo - Coloriage et peinture 3D - Coiffures
    <![CDATA[10 tableaux portrait à décorer avec de la peinture 3D. Cette magnifique boîte magnétique contient 6 tubes peinture 3D, 6 feutres, 150 gems autocollants, 1 outil, 1 livret et modèles d'instructions.]]>
  • Mallette de peinture et coloriage - Noël enfant - Créalia
    <![CDATA[Cette mallette de peinture et coloriage est idéale pour les enfants qui aiment les activités artistiques : Ce coffret contient : - 12 mini feutres - 12 galets de peinture à l'eau - 1 pinceau - 12 mini crayons - 1 taille-crayon - 1 gomme - 1 crayon à papier Favorise la créativité : Cette mallette offre une variété de supports (peinture, crayons, feutres) qui permettent à l'enfant d'explorer et d'exprimer sa créativité de manière libre. Chaque outil ouvre une nouvelle porte à l'imagination, faisant de cette mallette un choix parfait pour les jeunes artistes en herbe. Facilite l'apprentissage artistique : Avec un crayon à papier, une gomme, et un taille-crayon inclus, la mallette permet à l'enfant de s'initier aux bases du dessin. Il peut esquisser, corriger, et affiner ses oeuvres avant de les colorier ou de les peindre. Encouragement de la créativité : La variété des outils stimule l'imagination et encourage l'expérimentation. L'enfant peut essayer différentes combinaisons de couleurs et techniques pour exprimer librement sa créativité. Pratique et transportable : La mallette, compacte et légère, est facile à transporter, ce qui permet à l'enfant de l'emporter partout. Elle est idéale pour les voyages, les sorties ou pour le rangement à la maison. Favorise l'autonomie : Avec tous les outils nécessaires à portée de main, l'enfant peut travailler de manière autonome, sans avoir besoin de chercher des fournitures supplémentaires. Cette autonomie renforce la confiance en soi et l'envie de créer. Idée cadeau idéale : Les outils inclus sont durables et de qualité, assurant que l'enfant pourra en profiter pendant longtemps. De plus, la mallette elle-même est robuste et protège les fournitures, garantissant qu'elles restent en bon état. Des 6 ans]]>
  • Créa Lign' Coloriage Magique Exploracolo
    <![CDATA[Ref. produit : CL158]]>
  • Maxi kit de coloriage 30 crayons
  • Mon cahier de coloriage de Noël - Créalia enfant
    <![CDATA[Developpe la créativité : Ce cahier de coloriage encourage la créativité en permettant aux artistes en herbe de choisir leurs couleurs et de personnaliser les illustrations. Cela permet de stimuler l'imagination et de développer des compétences artistiques. Concentration : Le coloriage nécessite de la concentration pour rester à l'intérieur des lignes et choisir les bonnes couleurs. Cela peut aider à améliorer la concentration des plus petits. Thème festif : Ce carnet de coloriage sur le thème de Noël permet de se plonger dans l'esprit festif de la saison. Les dessins représentent des éléments de Noël tels que le Père Noël, les rennes, les sapins, les cadeaux, les flocons de neige, etc., ce qui renforce l'excitation pour les célébrations à venir. Activité éducative : Avec ce cahier de coloriage, réalisez une activité éducative. Accompagnez les illustrations de légendes et d'histoires sur les traditions de Noël, pour permettre à votre enfant d'apprendre tout en s'amusant.]]>

The executive producer at the time said they thought I’d be brilliant but I was too nice, so I had to be more dragon-y

Sara Davies finally made it to the den at the second time
of asking at the age of just 34, overcoming fears that she was too nice. In
fact, as she tells Nick Martindale, her natural demeanour has proved to be a
secret weapon

Davies MBE first appeared on Dragons’ Den as the latest addition to the panel
of investors in April 2019, where she injected a much-needed dose of youthful
energy and zeal as its youngest-ever judge. But, despite being just 34 at the
time, this was not her first experience of the programme, having been invited
to apply as a contestant back in 2006.

« It
was the year I started up, » she recalls. « I was in my final year at university
and I got a phone call from the research team asking if I had heard of Dragons’
Den. I certainly had; as management students we would all get together on a
Wednesday night and hang off their every word! »

only stumbling block was, due to the success of her Crafter’s Companion business,
she felt she had no need for any money, so the application wasn’t taken any
further. « In this current series there was a couple who owned a care home in
Wales and they said they had the money to fund the product they had developed
but they didn’t have any experience in manufacturing, so they just needed a
dragon, and they just asked for £10,000, » she says. « It just took me right back
to my experience, and that’s what I should have done 15 years ago. » She ended
up investing in the Flip Top over-chair product; one of her four significant
investments to date.

it was Davies – or a friend, more accurately – who approached Dragons’ Den,
rather than the other way round when she finally did join the line-up. « We were
having dinner round my house one night and he said I’d be really good on it, »
she recalls. « I said I’d love to do it but you don’t just ring up the BBC and
ask to be on Dragons’ Den. The next morning, unbeknown to me, he rang up and spoke
to the research team, who said they were casting a new female dragon. »

had an initial interview, which went well, but there was an issue. « The
executive producer at the time said they thought I’d be brilliant but I was too
nice, so I had to be more dragon-y for the proper onscreen interview, » she
says. « I remember walking in there thinking I could be anything I wanted for
the interview but I would then have to keep that up through the filming and
that would be the ‘me’ that is out there. I couldn’t not be true to myself. I
spoke to them at the end and said that was me, and it was either right or it’s
not. But they decided to hire me. »

fact, being ‘nice’ – she’s keen to stress she’s not soft – has already paid
dividends in the den. « I have a lot of empathy for the contestants; as they
come through the doors I can imagine what they’re feeling and I’m the one who
will look up and smile at them, or whisper to them that they’re doing great as
they hand the products out.

« I
often wondered why people would choose me over Peter Jones or Deborah Meaden in
that first series when no one knew anything about me, but just being able to
strike up a rapport with them in the couple of hours we have while they’re
pitching has been enough for people to choose me over the other dragons in a
few cases, » she adds. One example is Tancream, when Peter Jones made an offer
alongside Davies, and founders Gillian Robson and Katy Foxcroft chose to go
with the incumbent dragon. The firm is currently in the process of expanding in
the US, she adds.

Investment portfolio

from Flip Top and Tancream, Davies has to date invested in chilli paste firm
Mak Tok, run by William Chew, and Teirnan McCorkell’s Pipe Easy product,
designed to help tradespeople and DIY-ers cut surfaces around pipes. « Will just
needed a bit of support and mentoring and I’ve been able to let him use the
people in my business to help him get a head start, » she says.

« Pipe-Easy
was one where the other dragons couldn’t see any potential, but I could see
there was a great entrepreneur there that just needed some support. He needed
help with his manufacturing, and we now use a local manufacturer to get the
products turned round quickly rather than being made out in China. »

says she’s been careful not to get too involved in any of the businesses she
has invested in, and has declined the opportunity to sit on their boards. « I’m
there for support but I don’t want them to feel they have to run every decision
by me, » she says. « I’m letting them do their thing but any big decisions they
have to run through me. »

an eclectic range of products she has invested in, but that’s merely a
reflection of what matters to her when it comes to deciding whether to invest.
« It’s all about the people, » she says. « You can have a mediocre business do
well if it’s headed up by a fantastic entrepreneur but you could have the best business idea in the world and a pretty average entrepreneur and it will never take off. There’s a special magic about people who are really successful entrepreneurs, and it’s all about having the right drive and enthusiasm. You can’t breathe that into somebody; they’re either wired that way or they’re not. »

admits she was worried about having a higher profile, but has been pleasantly
surprised by the reception she now gets, particularly in her native north-east.
« I have two young kids and my husband was worried about people coming up to us
in Tesco and how the kids would react, » he says. « This might be a north-east
thing but what’s been really nice is that people go out of their way to say how
proud they are of me. It’s the whole local-lass-come-good thing. That’s been
lovely. »

also been pleasantly surprised by just how welcoming the other dragons were to
her, despite the intense competition that sometimes plays out on our television
screens. « They all want the new dragon to do well because they want the show to
do well, » she says. « They would all take me to one side and give me a bit of
advice, and taught me the ropes over the first couple of weeks. »

the blood          

though, has never really been short of confidence. Born into an entrepreneurial
family – she recalls her Dad running a range of businesses before the family
set up its own wallpaper-and-paint shop – she always felt she would end up
running her own business. « My Dad always instilled into me from a young age
that if I was going to work hard I might as well work for myself, » she says. « I
just didn’t know what that business was going to be in, although I always knew
as a fallback I could take over the family business. »

was on a year-in-industry placement while studying a management degree at the
University of York that things became clearer. « I went to work for a tiny
arts-and-craft company, » she recalls. « Because I was doing a management degree
the owner let me have free rein. I’d be doing product development, marketing,
payroll and the management accounts, so it was brilliant business experience
for me. It opened my eyes to an industry that I didn’t know existed. I didn’t
know there was an industry for people making hand-made cards as a hobby, and I
fell in love with it instantly. »

quickly realised that it was something of a cottage industry, where businesses
were built out of a personal hobby and would often rely on trade fairs for
customers. « I thought there would be a huge opportunity if I applied some basic
business thinking to it and developed products that the customers tell you they
want, » she recalls. « I remember going to the owner of the company at the end of
my year and saying I had lots of ideas for more products and she was very
dismissive of them. She’d listened to me talking about business all year but I
was now entering her territory. »

idea in particular stood out for Davies; a tool which would allow crafters to
fold their own envelopes, rather than having to use pre-packaged ones. « I
thought there might be some legs in it and I rang the TV shopping channel which
was selling a bit of craft, and asked if I could sell it on their channel, » she
says. « They gave me an opportunity to go on, so my Dad’s friend who was a
joiner in the village made some out of MDF and I went on the Shopping Channel
and launched my envelope-folder. We sold 8,000 envelopers that evening and that
was how the business parachuted into the industry. We couldn’t make them fast
enough and that made us a household name. »

admits she had no idea if the business would take off but by the time she
finished her university degree it was turning over £500,000 and she had
employed a friend’s mum to help her run it. « I graduated, moved back home and
decided I was going to give it a go, » she says. Her Dad converted a spare shed
at the back of the wallpaper-and-paint shop, and the growing business later
took over the upstairs of the office. « We went on from there until we were
turning over about £10m, and we had to move into bigger premises, » she says.


the business turns over £40m, and employs around 230 staff. Around half its
turnover comes from the US, which has finally taken off in recent years after a
long struggle to build up the brand. « I decided when I was still at university
that I wanted to see what the opportunity was in the US, » she says. « I went out
to a couple of big trade shows and at first we used a third-party logistics
warehouse in Florida to give us a base. Then after three or four years we
bought another smaller company over there, which was quite similar to us and
based in California, which was ideal for us because we needed warehousing on
the west coast.

« That
gave us a base to grow from, but it was about six or seven years of really
slogging it out in the US and not making any money. After seven years the
economy turned around, and we had a hockey stick type growth. Last year the US
business turnover was bigger than it was in the UK, but it was years of that
not being the case. » The business has also expanded its offering beyond its
craft base, entering the larger art market and, around five years ago, the
sewing sector.

« About
60% of our business is still papercraft but about 10% is sewing and 30%
colouring, and we know those other markets are much bigger so as we develop
more of a foothold we will hopefully be able to replicate the success we’ve had
in papercraft, » she says. « We’re probably the biggest papercraft supplier in
Europe now and we’ll be looking to use that as a model to build on with the other
disciplines. »

though, the business has had to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. It has, says
Davies, been a tale of two halves, with the side of the business that supplies
high street stores « falling off a cliff ». « But the direct-to-consumer sector
really took off as people were at home and were home-schooling and looking for
craft ideas, » she says. « Every time a recession hits people seem to go back to
that make-do-and-mend mentality so we’re seeing a real growth in the craft

« We’ve
done a lot of online video tutorials and we’re live on YouTube for four hours a
day, plus the shopping channels we deal with are seeing massive growth as more
people are at home, » she adds. « The challenge for us now is how we continue
trading the positive half of the business as strongly as we have been, while
the high street reopens and we reintroduce the other side of the business. »


well as her Dragons’ Den commitments, Davies – who was awarded the MBE for
services to the economy in 2016 – is also active in mentoring and developing
entrepreneurs, and regularly gives talks to other business owners near her
Teesside home.

« I’m
very lucky that my business has been really successful and I’ve been able to
grow and continue to develop that, and it’s really nice to share that story
with other entrepreneurs, » she says. « I can watch people taking bits from
lessons which maybe I have learned the hard way, and they can have the benefit
of my experience. That’s the most rewarding part. »

main advice for anyone looking to set up, though, is to make sure they
understand the commitment. « Once I had the kids I would get other mums saying
it must be brilliant running my own business because I can fit hours around the
family, » she says. « But if that’s your attitude you’ll never make it. People
from the outside see the nice side of it but they don’t see you having the
weight of the world on your shoulders, and how you have to live, sleep and
breathe the business. It’s not a job; it’s a way of life, and the ones who
succeed are the ones who go in with that attitude. »

for her own future, Davies is looking forward to combining her role at
Crafter’s Companion with her various investments. « I love my business and I
wouldn’t keep doing it if I didn’t, » she says. « I’m very much a figurehead; I
head up the new product development team but I don’t get very involved in the
day-to-day running of the business. I also enjoy being in the Dragons’ Den
investments, but just at arms’ length. I can have all the ideas but I’m not the
one having ultimate responsibility and sleepless nights. That’s the big appeal
of being an investor. »

« But
I’ve really enjoyed the TV side of Dragons’ Den too, so I can see me doing a
lot more of that, but I don’t see me stepping back from Crafter’s Companion in
any way. I have a young family with two young boys so I need some work/life
balance as well. It’s time to work hard and play hard. »